2024 PNB Retreat, Avery Point

More than 80 PNB department members gathered at the UConn Avery Point campus on August 21, 2024 at the Branford House, hosted by Dr. Rahul Kanadia. The event was catered by University Catering, Caboose & Co. and BurgerWay food trucks. Brunch was served over the State of Department given by Dr. Akiko Nishiyama. Faculty were recognized for their accomplishments over the course of the last year. The TA award was given to Saren Springer, a graduate student in Rahul Kanadia’s lab. Kahoot trivia paid tribute to the work accomplished in all of the PNB research laboratories. Slide pictionary brought labs together across the department. Graduate students presented their work over the last year in a poster session on the patio. The event ended with networking outside the Branford House.