Physiology Courses
The physiology group provides opportunities to develop an in-depth understanding of body functions and mechanisms of disease.
2250. Comparative Animal Physiology
3.00 credits
Prerequisites: BIOL 1107. Recommended preparation: BIOL 1108.
Grading Basis: Graded
An introduction to comparative animal physiology, emphasizing the evolutionary impacts of diverse physical, chemical, and environmental factors on vertebrates and invertebrates.
3252. Physiological Model Systems
3.00 credits
Prerequisites: PNB 2250 or both PNB 2274and 2275 or instructor's consent; open to juniors or higher. Recommended preparation: an undergraduate class in basic comparative animal physiology.
Grading Basis: Graded
Advanced, in-depth examination of animal comparative physiology.
3262. Mammalian Endocrinology
2.00 credits
Prerequisites: One 2000 level course in PNB or consent of instructor; open to juniors or higher.
Grading Basis: Graded
Functions of hormones in mammalian physiology emphasizing humans.
3265. Comparative Endocrinology
3.00 credits
Prerequisites: A 2000-level course in PNB or instructor consent. Open to juniors or higher.
Grading Basis: Graded
The evolution of hormonal signaling systems in invertebrates and vertebrates.
3270. Molecular Endocrinology
3.00 credits
Prerequisites: BIOL 1107; open to juniors or higher. Recommended preparation: PNB 3262.
Grading Basis: Graded
Molecular mechanism(s) of hormone action in vertebrates and invertebrates. Molecular and genetic characterization of hormones, receptors, and signal transduction, and hormone actions at the molecular, cellular, and organismal levels. Includes student presentations on selected papers.
3350. Membrane Transport in Health and Disease
3.00 credits
Prerequisites: One 2000 level course in PNB or consent of instructor; open to juniors or higher.
Grading Basis: Graded
Fundamental mechanisms by which water and small molecules are transported across biological membranes. Biophysical and biochemical analysis of transport by diffusion, osmosis, channels, carriers and pumps in health and disease.
3500. Cardiorespiratory Physiology
2.00 credits
Prerequisites: One 2000 level course in PNB or consent of instructor; open to juniors or higher.
Grading Basis: Graded
Cellular and molecular mechanisms controlling cardiovascular and respiratory function in health and disease.