PNB Research In Progress Talks - Spring 25


February 7 12:20 PM TLS 111 Sydney Ballou

“Role of adult antennal support cells in Drosophila olfaction” Menuz Lab
February 14 12:20 PM TLS 111 Michael Jolly

Ricardo Canela

“Enhanced chemoreception contributes to breathing problems in hypertension”







“Mapping HMIT Expression and Protein Interactions in Mouse Brain Tissue”

Mulkey Lab







Tzingounis Lab

February 21 12:20 PM TLS 111 Teng Long

“Identification of Molecular Components Generating the Transepithelial Potential in the Drosophila Olfactory Sensilla” Menuz Lab
February 28 12:20 PM TLS 111 Kaitlin Girardini

Chamalka de Silva

“Characterizing the evolutionary trajectory of eukaryotic minor introns”








“Contact Dependent Long Range Neuroblast Migration”

Kanadia Lab







Conover Lab

March 7 12:20 PM TLS 111 Alexandria Pacrin

Sam Simonovitch

“Role of jhamt in chemosensory regulation of mating in Drosophila”








“Characterizing the calyx in the Drosophila female reproductive tract”

Menuz Lab








Sun Lab

March 14 Audrey Baker

“Quantitative Phosphoproteomics of Kcnq2 Encephalopathy” Tzingounis/Schwartz Labs
March 21 No Speaker – Spring Break!
March 28  12:20 PM TLS 111  

Eneida Wainman

Julia Migliorati


“Neuroanatomical mapping of tachykinin-3 receptor (Tacr3)-expressing neurons in the mouse brain using a novel knock-in line”








“Genetic loss of TGFBR1 disrupts postnatal brain angiogenesis”

Jackson Lab








Zarkada Lab

April 4 Jorge Villalobos Santeli

TBA LoTurco Lab
April 11 12:20 PM TLS 111 James Salvatore

Kevon Afriyie










Jackson Lab








Kanadia Lab

April 18 12:20 PM TLS 111 Owen Greene

Sanjana Krishnakumar










Mulkey Lab








Yu Lab

April 25 12:20 PM TLS 111 No Speaker – PNB Undergraduate Symposium


Previous PNB Research in Progress Talks - Fall 24


August 30 12:20 PM TLS 111 Monica Antony

“Targeting distinct MCH-expressing neuron subpopulations in the lateral hypothalamus” Jackson Lab
September 6 12:20 PM TLS 111 Daria Yeroshenko

“Rostral migratory stream organization and control of neuroblast migration” Conover Lab
September 13 12:20 PM TLS 111 Emily Parrish-Mulliken

“Improvements in Correlative Light & Electron Microscopy for better visualization of the spine apparatus” Ostroff Lab
September 20 12:20 PM TLS 111 Saren Springer


“Multiomics Analysis Reveals How Minor Spliceosome Inhibition Alters the Trajectory of Forelimb Development”  Kanadia Lab
September 27 12:20 PM TLS 111 Yi (Harry) Huang

“Neuroanatomical and functional analysis of lateral hypothalamic GABAergic neuron projections to the DP and BNST” Jackson Lab
October 4 12:20 PM TLS 111 Stella Cho

“Rho1 GTPase-mediated actomyosin contraction in follicle rupture during Drosophila ovulation” Sun Lab
October 11 12:20 PM TLS 111 Janeth Perez Garza

“Visualizing axonal translation in the adult rat brain” Ostroff Lab
October 18  12:20 PM TLS 111 Andre Jang

“The Role of Kinase CG7236 in Insect Olfaction” Menuz Lab
October 25 12:20 PM TLS 111 William Armstrong IV

“Characterization of cell type-specific synaptic protein expression and function in hypothalamic hypocretin/orexin (H/OX) neurons” Jackson Lab
November 1 12:20 PM TLS 111 Dr. Baosheng (Alex) Zeng

“GATA factor Serpent promotes phagocytosis in non-professional phagocytes during Drosophila oogenesis”  Sun Lab
November 8 12:20 PM TLS 111 Jairo Orea

“Characterizing the Organization of Auditory Inputs Underlying Fear Learning in the Lateral Amygdala”  Ostroff Lab
November 15 12:20 PM TLS 111 Monica Strain

“Carotid body dysfunction contributes to disordered breathing in Rett syndrome” Mulkey Lab
November 22 12:20 PM TLS 111 Kristen Springer

“Voltage-gated ion channel expression in the mouse hypothalamic mammillary nuclei” Tzingounis/Jackson Labs
November 29 No Speaker Scheduled – Thanksgiving
December 6 12:20 PM TLS 111 Qichen (Will) Fan

“Locus coeruleus projection dynamically modulates cortical taste encoding” Sciolino Lab