Learning by Experiencing and Applying Principles (LEAP)
What is LEAP?
The LEAP program is a two-year program that is designed to provide early biology students (PNB, EEB, MCB) a unique experience to maximize their academic potentials. Early research experience and community building have shown to improve students’ academic success. Each participant will receive specialized faculty mentoring and be exposed to research training starting at a freshman level. The faculty involved will help you to hone your academic skills, build a community with research faculty and other participants, and increase research readiness. Diversity of thought, perspective, and approach is essential to the success of a field and a country. Therefore, we would like to offer this program to students with a diverse background and who are interested in pursuing research careers in biomedical sciences.
What will be my commitment?
Participants meet once a week and must register in an associated LEAP course each term. The LEAP program will connect and prepare you for other scholarship programs and increase participants’ overall success and broaden student’s career choices. Students can decide to opt out the program at any given semester.
Year 1 Semester 1 – Exploring Research I : Participants will be introduced to basics in genetic biology and bioinformatics. (PNB 3298 Section 24)
Year 1 Semester 2 – Exploring Research II: Participants will conduct literature review and acquire research skills in bioinformatics.
Year 2 Semester 1 – Entering Research I: Participants will learn more basic molecular biology research skills.
Year 2 Semester 2 – Entering Research II: Participants will participate in lab work or enrolled in a course-based research experience.
Leap Updates
Congratulations for being selected as MARC fellows:
Teresa Tamborra-Walton
Sara Bernardo

We learn practical skills in a fun setting!
To enroll in the program, complete the following form.