Graduate Student Checklist

Coursework Requirements for a Ph.D. in PNB

A minimum of 44 credits is required to complete the Ph.D. degree.

  • Complete the core PNB course (PNB 5001 and 5002; Principles of Physiology and Neurobiology).
  • Complete two graduate elective courses in PNB
    • 5395 Cells, Synapses and Circuits (Fall; odd years)
    • 6250 Signal Transduction (Spring; odd years)
    • 6415 Ion Channels and Physiology (Fall; even years)
    • 6417 Developmental Neurobiology (Fall; odd years)
    • 6426 Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology (Spring; even years)
  • Complete two courses outside of PNB
  1. Students register for PNB 6405 (Seminar in Research and Journal Presentations) each semester
  2. Register for PNB 5395 (Seminar) each semester
  3. Students register for PNB 5396 (Research in Physiology and Neurobiology) for the majority of your research credit, particularly during your first 3 years of graduate school
  4. After 18 credits have been completed, fill out Plan of Study for approval by advisory committee. The Plan of Study must be completed prior to the Qualifying Examination.
  5. Students register for 15 credits of GRAD 6950 (Research) in their final two years.
  6.  Students must have a minimum of one original first-author peer-reviewed research article accepted for publication (for example, a BioRxiv submission does not meet the requirement).
  7. There is no foreign language requirement for PNB graduate degrees

Coursework Requirements for a M.S. in PNB

A total of at least 30 credits is needed to complete the M.S. degree. Plan A (Thesis) M.S. students need at least 21 credits of advanced coursework and at least 9 credits of GRAD 5950 (Research). Plan B students need at least 30 credits of advanced coursework, which can include PNB Research credits.

A complete description of the degree requirements for the M.S. degree can be found in the Graduate Catalog.

  1. Complete the core PNB course (PNB 5001 and 5002; Principles of Physiology and Neurobiology)
  2. Additional graduate courses can be taken either inside or outside of PNB, including the following PNB courses:
    • 4400 Biology of Nervous System Diseases
    • 5395 Cells, Synapses, and Circuits (Fall; odd years)
    • 6250 Signal Transduction (Spring; odd years)
    • 6415 Ion Channels and Physiology (Fall; even years)
    • 6417 Developmental Neurobiology (Fall; odd years)
    • 6426 Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology (Spring; even years)
    1. Additional graduate courses can be taken either inside or outside of PNB
    2. Register for PNB 6405 (Seminar in Research and Journal Presentations) each semester
    3. Register for PNB 5395 (Seminar) each semester
    4. Plan A must take 9 credits GRAD 5950 (Research) and can use PNB 5396 (Research) for additional research credit