Coursework Requirements for a Ph.D. in PNB
A minimum of 44 credits is required to complete the Ph.D. degree.
- Complete the core PNB course (PNB 5001 and 5002; Principles of Physiology and Neurobiology).
- Complete two graduate elective courses in PNB
- 5395 Cells, Synapses and Circuits (Fall; odd years)
- 6250 Signal Transduction (Spring; odd years)
- 6415 Ion Channels and Physiology (Fall; even years)
- 6417 Developmental Neurobiology (Fall; odd years)
- 6426 Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology (Spring; even years)
- Complete two courses outside of PNB
- Students register for PNB 6405 (Seminar in Research and Journal Presentations) each semester
- Register for PNB 5395 (Seminar) each semester
- Students register for PNB 5396 (Research in Physiology and Neurobiology) for the majority of your research credit, particularly during your first 3 years of graduate school
- After 18 credits have been completed, fill out Plan of Study for approval by advisory committee. The Plan of Study must be completed prior to the Qualifying Examination.
- Students register for 15 credits of GRAD 6950 (Research) in their final two years.
- Students must have a minimum of one original first-author peer-reviewed research article accepted for publication (for example, a BioRxiv submission does not meet the requirement).
- There is no foreign language requirement for PNB graduate degrees
Coursework Requirements for a M.S. in PNB
A total of at least 30 credits is needed to complete the M.S. degree. Plan A (Thesis) M.S. students need at least 21 credits of advanced coursework and at least 9 credits of GRAD 5950 (Research). Plan B students need at least 30 credits of advanced coursework, which can include PNB Research credits.
A complete description of the degree requirements for the M.S. degree can be found in the Graduate Catalog.
- Complete the core PNB course (PNB 5001 and 5002; Principles of Physiology and Neurobiology)
- Additional graduate courses can be taken either inside or outside of PNB, including the following PNB courses:
- 4400 Biology of Nervous System Diseases
- 5395 Cells, Synapses, and Circuits (Fall; odd years)
- 6250 Signal Transduction (Spring; odd years)
- 6415 Ion Channels and Physiology (Fall; even years)
- 6417 Developmental Neurobiology (Fall; odd years)
- 6426 Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology (Spring; even years)
- Additional graduate courses can be taken either inside or outside of PNB
- Register for PNB 6405 (Seminar in Research and Journal Presentations) each semester
- Register for PNB 5395 (Seminar) each semester
- Plan A must take 9 credits GRAD 5950 (Research) and can use PNB 5396 (Research) for additional research credit